
The Biagio table lamp by Tobia Scarpa for Flos

Made of marble and a splendid example of Italian production

A block of marble
and a chisel

and bit by bit ‘form’ transpires from the stone, which begins to have meaning, and creative power is established on a physical level.
The history of art has taught us that marble only seems to be a hard material that is difficult to model. The initial block of marble represents infinite potential, which contains an endless number of designer objects or statues. The chisel of yesteryear and the machines of today are none other than means of eliminating what is superfluous and bringing the creative idea into the light.
The challenge to draw lightness out of the material is a physical struggle. In the same way that the great sculptors struggled to reveal the soul of marble and uncover statues of extraordinary beauty, today’s designers strive to minimise heaviness and rigidity, changing the perception of this material termed “shining stone” by the Greeks, and offering new items that accentuate its colours and patterns, brightness and grandeur.
As a wonderfully fascinating and sophisticated material, marble evokes emotion by simultaneously immersing us in tradition and modernity. It is a symbol of local and cultural identity, and when it meets design this gives it its own characteristics, giving an everyday object the concept of uniqueness.
The Biagio table lamp is a historic item designed by Tobia Scarpa for Flos, and has been sculpted from a single block of white Carrara marble. Its soft, sinuous lines have created an extraordinarily luminous object. The design was inspired by the expressive potential of the material and proceeds with sculpted anthropomorphic shapes, producing an item where the boundary between lamp and ornament is extremely ephemeral. The veins of the marble, which shine with natural daylight and are highlighted by the internal light source, differ in each piece, making it a unique and one-off item.

…material termed “shining stone” by the Greeks…

According to Tobia Scarpa “Intelligence transpires from the ability to manipulate, and manipulation is undoubtedly the first significantly individual aspect of being human”, and continues, stating that “Designing means throwing thoughts around, desires, a way of doing things. It has to be the resolved summation of all the issues encountered previously. There will be technical issues to be resolved, idealogical issues to be resolved, and self-made imaginary problems to be resolved. What does resolved mean? It means putting them together with all the others, making sure they combine harmoniously.”
Quality, passion, imagination, creativity, craft expertise, beauty, style, attention to detail – Italian production expresses a tradition of arts and trades, craftwork and industry knowledge, not to mention a meticulous approach. It’s an expression of designers and skilled professionals, the same way as the Sistine Chapel wasn’t built by one person, but a whole ream of people, such that today’s products are the result of work by many.
The result is an item with the Made in Italy mark, and this is the philosophy that has always inspired Marmi Ghirardi and led to the company creating the brand GHIRARDI1938 – ITALIAN STONE MAESTRO, which sums up the values and skills linked to tradition, which can be recognised in high-quality, customised items.

Breccia Marina Blu: the natural stone fascinating the world

Breccia Marina Blu is one of the most precious natural stones in the world, with physical/mechanical characteristics that make it top in its category.
It was described extensively as early as 1840 by Professor Carlo Gemmellaro from Catania University, who stated that “there are now very few places where it can be found”. One of these places is the Gavardo (BS) quarry belonging to Marmi Ghirardi, which has used it over the years to create quality designs in the USA, the Arab Emirates, Europe and Russia.
 Store corner Breccia blu - Milano - Project by Antonino Cardillo
Breccia Marina Blue - private villa
Breccia Marina Blue - Emerald Hotel - Kosovo
The gallery shows projects where Marmi Ghirardi has used Breccia Marina Blue.
The special colour of Breccia Marina Blu is unique. The soft, warm base shades, which range from hazelnut to salmon, have hints of grey with delicate ultramarine veins. Indeed the combination of colours is reminiscent of the variety of colours of the sea.

This stone is ideal for use indoors and outdoors, and gives any setting elegant but plucky characteristics. It can be used in modern and traditional settings.

Breccia Marina Blu and its sister Breccia Antica Gold are classed as classic decorative stone, and have been used for decades by architects and designers throughout the world for interior design projects in residences, hotels and public places.

It is also due to such precious natural stone that Marmi Ghirardi can carry out its mission to provide products of high-quality, research-based products made with excellent raw materials, innovative production processes, craft expertise and quality control. This has led to the Italian company launching a new company brand, GHIRARDI1938 – ITALIAN STONE MAESTRO, aimed at identifying unique, distinctive productions that embody passion and emotion.

Case History Ghirardi-G1938

Harrod’s Men’s Superbrands

London – United Kingdom



Design and works management

David Collins Studio, London.


To refit all communal areas in the Harrods Men’s Superbrands department on the second floor, in the smart area of Knightsbridge in front of Hyde Park in London.

Operations requested

Supply and install floor and wall coverings in the area.

Italian Bianco Carrara
Spanish Nero Marquina
Italian Grigio Bardiglio
The figures

Designs = 640 drawings
Design implementation time = 20 days

Production time = 70 days
Installation time = 60 days

Flooring = 960 m²
Flooring pieces = 27,658

Wall coverings = 1,600 m²
Wall covering pieces = 6,942
Portals = 87

Lorries = 16
Weight delivered = 240,000 kg
Crates= 187


Technical notes
86 m² of thresholds laid in Nero Marquina with the polished brass Harrods H logo included.
120 air grilles in Nero Marquina with 5-mm gaps to enable air to pass through, made with water jut cutters (high-precision equipment that uses high-pressure water and sand).

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